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You’ve spotted a red flag in your due diligence… what next?

Any risk management strategy worth its salt will include due diligence. It’s an essential step to take before you enter any arrangement with a new client, business partner or supplier, and is the best way to pick up on any red flags before you do business.

Perhaps there have been some recent company name changes or a relocation. The address may be incomplete or may not check out, or maybe this company doesn’t have a website. 

If you have a client buying a product from you, is what they’re buying consistent with their business type? Have they requested shipment through a country that doesn’t seem related to their business or is considered a risk for diversion?

Other red flags in the sale of items can include unusual payment terms, a freight forwarder or broker address listed as the final destination or requests for unusual labeling or packing of goods.

Perhaps you’re looking to work with a new company, but a credit check reveals very little information about them, or they’re evasive answering some of the questions you pose.

Some of these red flags don’t immediately mean your business deal is off. But it does mean you need to take a closer look.

That’s usually when our clients call us in. If something doesn’t add up in your preliminary checks or due diligence – you need someone to dig deeper.

At The Owl, we use our keen eye to carry out specialized investigations. We’ll even work across borders – all our investigators speak second or even third languages and can provide cultural insights that help you clarify the situation. We can delve deeper and shine a light on whatever is in the shadows.

So often, a bigger problem can lurk under the surface. What at first seemed like a minor employee dispute could be uncovered as blatant labor exploitation and misconduct. As we follow a company’s paper trail, we might find an owner trying to hide something behind a complex leadership structure. And in researching odd financial discrepancies, we have often found instances of fraud or financial mismanagement.

As we combine our determined investigations with sophisticated open-source intelligence, we make sure that we gather all the information we need about the company and delve into any potential red flags. This allows you to make an informed decision about the people you do business with.

If there are questionable transactions, even something as small as understated expense reports, we can dig deep into financial discrepancies. If there are lawsuits, tax issues or regulatory violations on the horizon, we will find them. And if a company faces serious operational challenges in staff morale, resources and efficiency, the team at The Owl can uncover the truth. 

All of these are dealbreakers when you’re looking to do business. Because your reputation is the most valuable resource your business has. 
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Eurasian Eagle Owl

The Feisty Rebel

October 7, 2024

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